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"Let love shine into a silent world" Howshow technology donated tablet to autistic children and other special children.

Browse:5581         Release time:2018/9/15

Let love shine into a silent world Howshow technology donated tablet to autistic children and other special children.

On the morning of July 8, more than 300 special children, parents and loved ones came to the Qiushui Mountain Sports Center in Shenzhen and participated in a large-scale public welfare event sponsored by Howshow Science and Technology, organized by the social loving people.

These special children include deaf mute, cerebral palsy and autistic children. In order to let the children feel the love from the whole society, the organizers have prepared the small games and the splendid performance carefully. At the event, Howshow Technologies donated a special gift to each child, a frog-shaped new eco-friendly handwriting board. The handwriting board was warmly welcomed by the children, and they wrote and painted happily on it.

Company officials said that special children, including autistic children, because of physiological or psychological reasons, lack of communication with the outside world, always quietly live in their own world. But that doesn't mean they lack emotions. In fact, they love life, want to express themselves, and have a rich and sensitive inner world. They hope to help special children express themselves fully through their brushes and make it easier for the outside world to understand them.

Howshow technology has continued to focus on special children groups and has launched a good public welfare season. Every season, they will contribute to special children, including autistic children, so that they will not grow up alone. At the same time, we also hope that more caring enterprises and the public will pay attention to special groups, help them better integrate into society and let love shine into the silent world.

last: Howshow Mid autumn 2018 National Day holiday notice

next: Howshow 12 inch handwriting board, scribble what you want!

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